When considering a potential procurement partner, we understand the importance of hiring a firm you can count on at every stage of the process. We take immense pride in representing you, our Client and ensuring we exceed your expectations.

We’re driven to understand our Client's procurement requirements and ensure they are matched with the highest quality goods and products for the best price.

Our business model is based on providing exceptional service, so we never mark-up the products we source nor do we accept incentives from our vendors. Ever.


 Hilton. Marriott. Virgin. IHG. and more. While we provide FF&E procurement for many commercial projects, hotels are our specialty.

                             Whether you’re building a household name or a boutique hotel, you can trust our team of expert                                professionals to deliver optimal FF&E and OS&E solutions to achieve your budget and brand specification requirements. 

We’re not your average procurement firm. We believe in taking a comprehensive, integrated approach to the services we provide. Procurement Management is the core of our business – and what sets us apart. 

Budget Development & Cost Analysis

Project Accounting 

Cost Monitoring & Management

Procurement Management  

Warehousing, Freight & Logistics Coordination 

Brand Specifications Review

Product Price Comparison & Value Engineering

Global FF&E Bidding & Sourcing 

Operational Supplies & Equipment

Project Management